
Farmington City is committed to providing services to the public regardless of ability. This page contains information about the City’s efforts to comply with the United States Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Holly Gadd serves as the ADA Coordinator for Farmington City. All questions or concerns regarding accommodations for persons with disabilities may be first directed to her.

If an individual requires an accommodation, then the City will make reasonable adjustments to policies, practices or procedures to help individuals of all abilities participate. An individual who believes that they have been subjected to discrimination by the City may also utilize the grievance procedure to bring the issue to the attention of the ADA Coordinator.

No specific form is required to submit an accommodation request or a grievance. They should be in writing and identify the barrier to accessibility, along with contact information for the person submitting the complaint.

Americans with Disabilities Act Notice

Americans with Disabilities Act Grievance Procedure