The mission of the Farmington Police Department is to preserve the peace and protect and serve all who live, work in or travel through Farmington. In so doing department employees will make a meaningful contribution to the quality of life in the city. Police department employees shall incorporate in their work the core values of the department which are excellence, respect, integrity, pride and cooperation as they carry out the mission of the department.
The department has 26 full time sworn Officers and 2 full time civilian Records staff. 23 Officers, including the Chief of Police, Lieutenant, and Sergeants, provide 24/7/365 patrol support in the city, with 3 on call Detectives for assistance with major crime scenes.
The office is open during business hours and can be contacted at 801-451-5453, however the Office is closed Fridays, weekends and most holidays.
Police officers can be reached after hours for non-emergency inquiries via Davis County dispatch at (801) 451-4150.
In case of emergency, dial 9-1-1.
The Department has been physically located at 286 S 200 E (next to Woodland Park) since February 2008.

ATTN: Farmington Residents
We are seeing an uptick in attempts to scam residents out of money. No law enforcement agency in the city, county, state or country will contact you by phone and ask you to pay a fine. If you receive one of these phone calls do not respond to their requests; gather what information you can from them and contact Farmington Police. If you receive anything in the mail from someone you don’t know, bring the paperwork to Farmington Police and we will help you determine its authenticity.
Phone calls or mail correspondence from a lottery organization asking you to pay a fee or tax before you can claim your winnings are NEVER legitimate! Please do not fall victim to these scams, contact the police immediately if you hear or see anything suspicious.
Safe Exchange Zone
Farmington City Police Department has officially opened a “Safe Exchange Zone”. The safe exchange zone is an area that is well lit 24 hours a day, under 24 hour recorded video surveillance and within a few feet of the Police Department’s front doors.
The Safe exchange is meant for the sole purpose to offer the city residents and visitors an area that is safe to exchange kids between parents or conduct personal online transactions.
The two stall safe zone is located in the parking lot south of the Police department building. The two designated stalls are each marked with a sign.
For information or questions on the Safe Exchange zone, please contact the Farmington Police Department at (801)-451-5453.
Fingerprints are for Farmington residents only. The cost is $5.00. Fingerprinting times are on Tuesday, 1:00 pm to 4:00 p.m. and Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. If you cannot come at the times listed, please call 801-451-5453 to schedule an appointment.
Citizen Police Academy
The Farmington Police Department invites you to participate in the CITIZEN POLICE ACADEMY.
The academy educates citizens to better understand local law enforcement functions. The course includes presentations, lectures, hands-on experiences and on-site tours that offer participants valuable insight into operations of the Public Safety Departments of Davis County.
Fall Academy Thursday evenings
If you’re interested in attending, apply online at DavisCountyCPA.org
as soon as possible. Academy enrollment fills up fast.

Crime Reports
Farmington City Police Department has recently implemented a tool to allow those interested in seeing the city’s reported crime. Those statistics can found at CrimeReports.com, and search Farmington City’s name or zip code (84025).