City Council
The governing body of Farmington City is a six-member council form of government. One member is the Mayor and five are Council Members. Together, they form the Farmington City Council.
Powers and Duties
The City Council is the legislative body of the City. This means that they exercise legislative powers, establish policy and perform the legislative duties and functions of the City. They may also perform other administrative duties and other functions that are specifically provided or necessarily implied by law. The Mayor generally exercises executive and administrative power and oversight. The Council performs executive and administrative functions that have not been given to the Mayor, in accordance with Utah State law (see Utah Code Ann. § 10-3b-303).
Regular Meetings. The City Council holds regular meetings to conduct the business of the City at least once each month and prescribes by ordinance the time and place for holding its regular meetings. In general, regular meetings of the City Council are held on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at the offices of Farmington City, 160 South Main Street, Farmington, Utah. However, any of these meetings are subject to cancellation due to holidays, conflicts in schedule or lack of business. The City Council prepares and provides notice of its anticipated annual meeting schedule in accordance with Section 2-01-050 of the Farmington Municipal Code.
Special Meetings. If at any time the business of the City requires a special meeting of the City Council, such a special meeting may be ordered by the Mayor or any two Council Members. Notice of the special meeting shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of the Utah Open and Public Meetings Act and Utah Code Ann. § 10-3-502, as amended. The order of the special meeting shall be entered into the minutes of the City Council.
Closed Meetings. The affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of the City Council present at an open meeting for which notice is given and a quorum is present may call a closed meeting to discuss certain items as provided under Utah Code Ann. § 52-4-205, as amended. The reason or reasons for holding a closed meeting and the vote, by name, of each member of the City Council, either for or against the motion to hold the closed meeting, shall be entered on the minutes of the meeting. No ordinance, resolution, rule, regulation, contract, or appointment shall be approved during a closed meeting.
Electronic Meetings. Any meeting may be conducted as an electronic meeting. The City Council may convene and conduct an electronic meeting in accordance with the provisions of Utah Code Ann. § 52-4-207, as amended. The City Council has established and adopted written rules and procedures governing this format of meeting.