Farmington City is governed by the provisions of the Utah State Code Annotated, Title 63 Chapter 2 “Government Records Access and Management Act” (GRAMA) when dealing with public records.
You may utilize a “Records Request” form to make your request. When that form is received by the City, the City will respond as soon as possible but by law is given 10 working days to respond to the request.
Utilizing the form links above is the preferred method of request submittal. Requests may also be faxed to 801-451-2747; mailed to: Farmington City, P.O. Box 160, Farmington, Utah 84025; or dropped off in person at the City Hall at 160 South Main. All Police Records Requests can be faxed at 801-451-5550; mailed to: Farmington City PO Box 160, Farmington, Utah 84025; or dropped off in person at the Police Department 286 S 200 E.
A charge of 25¢ per page for copying will be assessed. Also, if a lot of time is involved in researching and compiling the record, $20.00 per hour will be charged. If you want a CD/Jump Drive $15 will be assessed.
Medical Record Requests
Patients of paramedic services, or their representatives, should contact First Professional Services Corporation to request reports related to medical care received by Farmington Fire Department. The City does not directly maintain those records.
If a representative seeks medical files on behalf of a patient, they will be required to present a HIPAA release.
First Professional Service Corporation