Emergency Preparation

Davis County Emergency Alert Notification

Be Prepared! Just as with any other component of a family’s comprehensive emergency preparedness plan, make sure first responders have the ability to contact you in cases of emergency. Our primary objective as your local government officials is to maintain the health, safety, and well-being of the community. When a problem arises, help us get the information to you as quickly as possible to keep you and your family safe. The Davis County Sheriff’s office has contracted with the Emergency Communications Network to license the Everbridge high-speed notification system. Everbridge is an emergency notification service that allows the sheriff’s office and municipal personnel to notify the public by telephone, cell phone, text message, email, and social media regarding time-sensitive emergency notifications. This emergency service is to notify citizens of things like missing persons, hazardous materials releases, boil water advisories, evacuations, etc. Simply scan this QR code on your mobile device to enter your information in the system. Sign-up is easy and takes only moments to do:

Everbridge (f/k/a CodeRED)

You can also register by going to:


Accidents and emergency situations happen. Help us help you to be prepared.

Community Emergency Response Team

Get prepared today! You can make a difference in your community.

Paul White

  • 801-643-8732

Darin Regis

  • 801-230-9369