Urban Forestry involves planning, establishing, protecting, and managing trees and associated plants in urban areas. With numerous benefits, urban forests provide a natural filter for air and water, control stormwater, conserve energy, and provide animal habitat. Additionally, they enhance the aesthetic appeal of urban design by adding beauty, form, and structure to the landscape.
This list represents those trees that are deemed by the city forester as the most suitable species for planting along Farmington’s streets. They were selected according to their proven dependability and practicality as street trees. To ensure compliance, it is required that any tree species not listed in the approved tree list must receive approval from the city forester before planting. To initiate this process, interested parties are advised to send a formal request via email to parks@farmington.utah.gov. Following the submission of the request, the city forester will carefully evaluate the proposal and provide a timely decision. I appreciate your cooperation in helping to maintain the beauty and safety of our community’s green spaces.
Approved Street Trees for Park Strip Planting
Small Trees Under 40′ in height
Suitable for 5′ planting strips
The minimum distance between trees 25′
The tree may be planted under wires
Approved Trees
Hedge Maple
Amur Maple
Globe Norway Maple
Globe Catalpa
European Hornbeam
Eastern Redbud
English Hawthorn
Lavalle Hawthorn
Washington Hawthorn
Fairmount Ginkgo
Columnar Ginkgo
Liberty Splendor Ginkgo
Mayfield Ginkgo
Flowering Crabapple
Japanese Flowering Cherry
Flowering Cherry
Sweet Cherry
Cherry Plum
Canada Plum
Common Bird cherry
Chanticleer Pear
Medium Trees 40′ – 60′ in height
Minimum planting strip 8′ wide
The minimum distance between trees 45′
Not to be planted under wires
Approved Trees
Red Horsechestnut
Norway Maple
Cleveland Norway Maple
Crimson King Norway Maple
Fassen’s Black Norway Maple
Parkway Maple
Sycamore Maple
Green Ash
Autumn Gold Ginkgo
Princeton Sentry Ginkgo
Sargent Cherry
Yoshino Cherry
Bradford Callery Pear
Aristocrat Pear
Autumn Blaze Pear
Greenspire Linden
Kentucky Coffee Tree
Large Trees – Over 60′ in height
Minimum planting strip 10′ wide
The minimum distance between trees 50′
Not to be planted under wires
Approved Trees
Common Horsechestnut
Common Hackberry
Thornless Common Honeylocust
American Sweetgum
London Planetree
Bur Oak
Pin Oak
Red Oak
English Oak
Japanese Pagoda tree
Common Baldcypress
American Linden
Littleleaf Linden
Japanese Zelkova
Tree Lined Streets Program
The “Tree Lined Streets” program was created to increase our street tree canopy and species diversity. We’ll pay for half the cost of adding a new tree, planting included, to simplify and make it more affordable for the homeowner. Beyond adding natural beauty to the street, these trees provide shade, improve air quality, and potentially increase property values. It’s an effective way to enhance the environment and your community without a big commitment. Getting involved means you’re not just planting a tree; you’re investing in the future of your neighborhood.
Farmington City’s Tree Lined Streets program aims to enhance the beauty of our neighborhoods by providing trees for eligible residents. While all applications will be accepted, participation is limited due to the number of available trees. Approved applicants will receive a phone call with further instructions, while those not selected will be notified via email. We appreciate your interest in helping to grow and maintain Farmington’s natural charm!
Click here to apply.
2025 Tree Choices