Public Notices

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Due to website migration older Public Notices may be missing from this site. Records can be found on the Utah Public Notice Website or by emailing the City Recorder.

September 3, 2024NOTICE OF HEARINGS – City Council
1. Recommendation for an amendment and additional text to Section 11-35-060: REVOCATION, of Chapter 11-35, HOME OCCUPATION, of Title 11, ZONING REGULATIONS. The proposed text amendment is to clarify which body has the authority to revoke a home occupation business license.  
2. Additional text and amendments to Section 6-4-030, SOLICITORS, of Chapter 6-4, REGULATORY LICENSES, of Title 6, BUSINESS REGULATIONS.  The proposed amendments add additional grounds for denial of a license related to criminal activity.
3. Recommendation of a rezone to include the AP District overlay zone and an accompanying development agreement for an RV resort at approximately 650 West Lagoon Drive (950 North) on approximately 6.5 acres of property.
September 3, 2024NOTICE OF HEARING – City Council
Consider a request to vacate a portion of the 300 North Street and 200 West Street right-of-way commonly known as Lagoon Lane.
August 22, 2024NOTICE OF HEARINGS – Planning Commission
1. Recommendation for an amendment to Chapter 11-2, DEFINITIONS of Title 11, ZONING REGULATIONS. The amendment is to include a new definition for ‘Live / Work
Residential’ which is an existing use identified in creatine zoning districts.
2. Recommendation for an amendment and additional text to Section 11-35-060:
REVOCATION, of Chapter 11-35, HOME OCCUPATION, of Title 11, ZONING
REGULATIONS. The proposed text amendment is to clarify which body has
the authority to revoke a home occupation business license.
September 11, 2024PUBLIC NOTICE – Special Local Ballot Proposition Statements (RAP Tax)
August 20, 2024NOTICE OF HEARING – Proposed Tax Increase
July 11, 2024NOTICE OF HEARINGS – Planning Commission
June 20, 2024NOTICE OF HEARINGS – Planning Commission
1. Consideration for additional text and changes to multiple sections of Title 11 allowing separate ownership of detached accessory dwelling units.
2. Consideration for additional text and changes to Title 12, Subdivision Regulations, designating the Planning Commission as the land use authority over Subdivision Plat Amendments.
June 18, 2024NOTICE OF HEARINGS – RDA (Redevelopment Agency)
1. Amending the RDA Budget for fiscal year ending June 30, 2024
2. Adoption of the RDA Budget for fiscal year 2025
June 18, 2024NOTICE OF HEARINGS – City Council
1. Amending the Municipal budget for fiscal year ending June 30, 2024
2. Adoption of the Municipal budget for fiscal year 2025
3. Adoption of the Consolidated Fee Schedule (CFS)
4. Adoption of Compensation Increase for specific city officers
June 6, 2024NOTICE OF HEARINGS – Planning Commission
1. Consideration for a recommendation for a Development Agreement, as well as an application for the Agricultural Planned District overlay zone for requested auto sales use and related activity, located at 153 S. 650 W.
2. Consideration for a recommendation to amend the Supplemental Development Agreement for The North Farmington Station with FSC Development. The request is to amend this agreement to allow for the consideration of drive-through facilities within the approximately 17.6 acres of land subject to the agreement on the south east corner of Burke Lane and Innovator Drive.
1. Adoption of a Conservation Easement Amendment Policy; and
2 An amendment to a recorded conservation easement located in the vicinity of Innovator Drive (approximately 475 North) encompassing land, among other properties, identified by the Davis County Parcel I.D. #’s 08-060-0072, 08-060-0071, and 08-060-0070, to permit public uses as an allowed use within the area covered by the easement.
June 4, 2024NOTICE OF HEARINGS – City Council
1. A request to vacate a platted but unimproved portion of the 1525 West right-of-way beginning in the vicinity of Innovator Drive at the north boundary of parcels identified by the following Davis County Tax I.D. #’s: 08-059-0068 and 08-059-0041, and running thence north to Maker Way.
2. A local Landmark Register designation for the Main Street Historic District, which district is now on the National Register of Historic Places; and
3. A proposed amendment to Chapter 39, Historic Buildings and Sites of Title 11, Zoning Regulations of the Farmington City Municipal Code related to the Farmington City Historic Landmarks Register
May 23, 2024NOTICE OF HEARINGS – Planning Commission
1. A recommendation to consider a Supplemental Development Agreement and Project Master Plan Amendment with Stack Development for property located north of Burke Lane between I-15 and the D&RGW Rail Trail covering approximately 150 acres for Stack Farmington Land, LLC and Wasatch Farmington Holdings, LLC.
2. A recommendation to consider a Schematic Subdivision, Project Master Plan, and Concept Site Plan for the Stack R1 subdivision which covers approximately 9 acres at approximately 900 North and Innovator Drive.
3. A recommendation for Additional text and amendments to Title 15, Sign Regulations, and Chapter 42, Scenic Byway Overlay, of Title 11, Zoning Regulations as these codes relate to allowed signage in the city’s LM&B zoning district. (ZT-6-24)
May 21, 2024NOTICE OF HEARINGS – City Council
1. A consideration to rezone the property at approximately 450 North Innovator Drive from the OS (Open Space) district to the A (Agricultural) zoning district for a Public Use (Fire Station) on the property.
2. Additional text and amendments to Section 11-28-060, Location of Recreational Pools and Tennis Courts, of Title 11, ZONING REGULATIONS.  The amendments are proposed to remove the requirement for a private recreational pool to be surrounded by a fence or wall and instead refer to building code requirements.
1. Additional text and amendments to Chapter 26, Light Manufacturing and Business (LM&B) of Title 11, ZONING REGULATIONS and Title 15, SIGN REGULATIONS.  The amendments are proposed to update the list of Permitted and Conditional Uses in the LM&B zoning district and the process by which signage is considered in the LM&B zoning district.
2. A recommendation to rezone the property at approximately 450 North Innovator Drive from the OS (Open Space) district to the A (Agricultural) zoning district and consideration of a Conditional Use Permit for a Public Use (Fire Station) on the same property.
3. Additional text and amendments to Section 11-28-060, Location of Recreational Pools and Tennis Courts, of Title 11, ZONING REGULATIONS.  The amendments are proposed to remove the requirement for a private recreational pool to be surrounded by a fence or wall and instead refer to building code requirements. (ZT-7-24
April 9, 2024NOTICE OF HEARING – An agreement which would grant exemptions from certain regulations of Chapter 11-35, HOME OCCUPATION. The exemptions are being sought as outlined in Section 11-35-050 (E) in order to accommodate a desired landscape yard on a property north of and adjacent to the owner’s home
March 19, 2024NOTICE OF HEARING – A recommendation to rezone the property at 1926 W 950 N from the A (Agriculture) district to the LR (Large Residential) zoning district and recommendation of a Preliminary Planned Unit Development (PUD) Master Plan and Schematic Subdivision Plan for the Ericksen Subdivision (NPE2024 LLC) consisting of 4 lots on 2.51 acres.
March 21, 2024NOTICE OF HEARINGS – Proposed amendments to Chapter 39, Historic Buildings and Sites of Title 11, Zoning Regulations of the Farmington City Municipal Code related to the Farmington City Historic Landmarks Register.

Proposed amendments to Chapter 27, Planned Unit Development (PUD), of Title 11, Zoning Regulations of the Farmington City Municipal Code regarding the process for consideration of a Final PUD Master Plan.

Proposed amendments to multiple sections of Title 11, Zoning Regulations as it relates to proposed changes within Chapter 11-19 for the Commercial Mixed Use (CMU) zone and Chapter 11-20 for the Neighborhood Mixed Use (NMU) zone. The proposed changes are to establish a process by which the City Council may consider deviations from the requirements identified in the NMU and CMU zones.

An agreement which would grant exemptions from certain regulations of Chapter 11-35, HOME OCCUPATION. The exemptions are being sought as outlined in Section 11-35-050 (E) in order to accommodate a desired landscape yard on a property north of and adjacent to the owner’s home (part of parcel ID 08-082-0003). The applicant is Jonathan Miller who resides at 818 South Shirley Rae Drive.
March 19, 2024NOTICE OF HEARINGS – Consideration for a Project Master Plan / Development Agreement, Schematic Subdivision Plan, and Concept Site Plan for the Charlotte, a mixed residential and commercial subdivision covering 11 acres at approximately 1293 West Burke Lane in the OMU (Office Mixed Use) zone.
Consideration of an addendum to a Development Agreement to consider a sign package proposal for the Western Sports Park project at 151 South 1100 West. Signs are being considered as part of the existing Agriculture Planned (AP) district and include an electronic message sign and wall signs.
March 19, 2024NOTICE OF HEARING – Consider a request to vacate a portion of the west side of the 1100 West right-of-way located at 496 S 1100 W (STR-1-24)
March 7, 2024NOTICE OF HEARING – A recommendation for a Preliminary Planned Unit Development (PUD) Master Plan for the Sycamore Lane PUD at 59 S 300 W. The PUD would allow the construction of a new home on the east side of the property while maintaining the historic home as an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) in its current location in front of the new home. The property includes 0.31 acres in the OTR (Original Townsite Residential) zone.
A recommendation to rezone the property at 1926 W 950 N from the A (Agriculture) district to the LR (Large Residential) zoning district and recommendation of a Preliminary Planned Unit Development (PUD) Master Plan and Schematic Subdivision Plan for the NPE2024 LLC Subdivision consisting of 4 lots on 2.51 acres.
February 22, 2024NOTICE OF HEARING – A recommendation for additional text and amendments to Chapter 11-27, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD).  The amendments are proposed to align the process of Final PUD Master Plan approval for certain small subdivisions and site plans with the recently updated Subdivision or Site Plan processes wherein city staff is over the Final PUD Master Plan approval
February 8, 2024NOTICE OF HEARING – A recommendation for a Project Master Plan / Development Agreement, Schematic Subdivision Plan, and Concept Site Plan for the Charlotte, a mixed residential and commercial subdivision covering 11 acres at approximately 1293 West Burke Lane in the OMU (Office Mixed Use) zone.
February 8, 2024NOTICE OF HEARING – Proposed amendments to Title 11 removing a conflict between City Ordinance and State Code regarding regulation of firearms, clarify residency requirements for operation of a home occupation and change the consideration of preschool, daycare and small classes from a conditional use to a permitted use.
January 18, 2024NOTICE OF HEARINGCANCELLATION NOTICE Proposed amendments to Title 11 removing a conflict between City Ordinance and State Code regarding regulation of firearms, clarify residency requirements for operation of a home occupation and change the consideration of preschool, daycare and small classes from a conditional use to a permitted use.
January 4, 2024NOTICE OF HEARING – Modify the process by which subdivisions and boundary line adjustments are considered, allowing flexibility in lot size without increasing the total number of lots or density.
December 7, 2023NOTICE OF HEARINGS – What portions of a front yard can be paved and used for vehicle parking and access AND Western Sports Park Signage
December 5, 2023NOTICE OF HEARINGS – Home Occupation exemptions and Proposed Gatrell Gardens Subdivision
November 15, 2023NOTICE OF HEARING – CANCELLATION Western Sports Park signage
November 16, 2023NOTICE OF HEARINGS – Tolman tree trimming business, Accessory Structure Operation, Western Sports Park Signage
November 02, 2023NOTICE OF HEARING – Gatrell Gardens Preliminary Planned Unit Development (PUD) Master Plan and Schematic Subdivision
November 02, 2023NOTICE OF HEARING – AHO
October 19, 2023NOTICE OF HEARING – Proposed amendments to remove financial institutions as a permitted or conditional use in zoning districts where currently permitted.
October 5, 2023NOTICE OF HEARINGS – Foothill Development Standards and Definitions. Subdivision Regulations. Historic Landmarks Register.
September 21, 2023NOTICE OF HEARING – Additional text and amendments to remove financial institutions as a permitted or conditional use in zoning districts where currently permitted
September 19, 2023NOTICE OF HEARING – Main Street Historic District Landmark Register Designation request
September 19, 2023NOTICE OF HEARING – Additional text and amendments to various sections
September 19, 2023NOTICE OF HEARING – Additional text and amendments to Property Owners’ Associations business regulations and Term of Business Licenses and Fireworks.
September 7, 2023NOTICE OF HEARING – Additional text and amendments to fences, open storage in residential zones, supplementary and qualifying regulations, foothill development standards, and stormwater Regulations
September 5, 2023NOTICE OF HEARING – Renaming of Public Streets – 650 West to Phoenix Way and Arrowgate Dr to Commerce Dr
September 5, 2023NOTICE OF HEARING – Update and adopt an impact fee facilities plan for Parks
September 5, 2023NOTICE OF HEARING – Update and adopt an impact fee analysis for Parks
September 5, 2023 NOTICE OF HEARING – Adjust common boundary lines between Farmington and Kaysville Cities
August 17, 2023NOTICE OF HEARING – Preliminary PUD Master Plan and Schematic subdivision plan for the proposed Gatrell Subdivision AND Additional text and amendments to many sections of Farmington City Code.
August 1, 2023NOTICE OF HEARINGS –
Amendment to the Regulating plan reflecting the known street network in the West Farmington Mixed Use district.
Development Agreement and application for Ace Athletics at 874 South Shirley Rae Drive.
July 18, 2023NOTICE OF HEARING – Additional text and amendment to multiple sections of Farmington City Code Title 11 Zoning Regulations. The proposed amendments are to update side yard requirements related to primary and accessory buildings.
July 13, 2023NOTICE OF HEARING – Proposed 10-acre City Park located at 1400 W Burke Lane
June 20, 2023NOTICE OF HEARING – City Council & Redevelopment Agency Amending and Adopting Budgets and Adoption of Consolidated Fee Schedule.
June 20, 2023NOTICE OF HEARING -Impact Fee Facilities Plan for Police
June 20, 2023NOTICE OF HEARING – (1) Restrict the amount of lawn that may be planted (2) Resolve inconsistencies with accessory building and garages (3) ADU permitted use
June 20, 2023NOTICE OF HEARING – Impact Fee Analysis for Police
June 20, 2023NOTICE OF HEARING – Impact Fee Facilities Plan for Fire
June 20, 2023NOTICE OF HEARING – Impact Fee Analysis for Fire
July 18, 2023 
NOTICE OF HEARING – Adjust common boundary lines between Farmington and Kaysville Cities
June 8, 2023NOTICE OF HEARING – Additional text to the Zoning Ordinance Chapter 11-7 making residents eligible for Weber Basin Lawn Exchange program. – PC
June 6, 2023NOTICE OF HEARING – Sale of 0.094 acres of property at approximately 1160 West Park Lane – CC
June 6, 2023NOTICE OF HEARING – Whether to exercise condemnation authority for parcel 08-293-0002 located at approx 901 N Shepard Creek Parkway for public use.
May 16, 2023NOTICE OF HEARING – Planned Unit Development (PUD) Master Plan and Schematic for proposed Cottrell Hills Subdivision 79 S 300 E – CC
May 16, 2023NOTICE OF HEARING – Petition to Amend a Conservation Easement for property in the vicinity of 950 North at approximately 2125 West – CC
May 16, 2023NOTICE OF HEARING – Petition to Amend a Conservation Easement for property in the vicinity of 500 North 1525 West – RDA
May 4, 2023NOTICE OF HEARING – Zoning Ordinance Amendment to resolve inconsistencies in section 11-17-050 accessory buildings and garages in side corner yards and possibly other zone text changes – PC 
April 20, 2023NOTICE OF HEARINGS – Various recommendations – PC
April 10, 2023NOTICE OF HEARING – Board of Adjustments Minimum Lot and Setback Standards 157 South 100 East – BOA
April 4, 2023NOTICE OF HEARING – Amending the municipal budget for fiscal year ending June 30 2023 – CC
April 4, 2023NOTICE OF HEARING – Legacy Event Center 151 South 1100 West AND Ordinance amending licensing requirements for businesses – CC
April 4, 2023NOTICE OF HEARING – Sale of 0.321 acres of Land -CC
March 23, 2023NOTICE OF HEARING – Site Plan approval, Development Agreement for the Legacy Events Center for Davis County AND Additional text and amendments to various City Codes- PC
March 14, 2023NOTICE OF HEARING – Various Zone Text amendments and additions – CC
February 21, 2023NOTICE OF HEARING – Amendments/additional text to Section 11-42-070 relating to trees planted within a park strip – CC
February 21, 2023NOTICE OF HEARING – Petition to Vacate Right-of-Way for a Portion of 1525 West from approximately 500 North to 580 North.  AND Petition to Vacate Historic Right-of-Way Affecting Property at 577 N 1525 W – CC
February 9, 2023NOTICE OF HEARING – Park strip trees approved by the City Forester – PC
February 7, 2023NOTICE OF HEARING – Amending the municipal budget for fiscal year ending June 30, 2023 – CC
February 7, 2023NOTICE OF HEARINGS – Standards for reasonable accommodation AND Station Point Subdivision (5) lots – CC
January 19, 2023NOTICE OF HEARINGS – Title 11 Zoning Regulations AND Section 12-8-095 Payback agreements for improvements AND Enactment of Section 11-4-100 Reasonable accommodations – PC
January 17, 2023NOTICE OF HEARINGS – City Code Section 11-7-070 require integration of recycling facilities AND Minor adjustments to the General Plan – CC.
January 5, 2023NOTICE OF HEARING – Proposed Station Point Subdivision 148 S 1100 W AND City Code Section 11-7-070 AND Moderate -Income Housing – PC
January 5, 2023NOTICE OF HEARING AMENDED – Zoning Ordinance amending and definitions, Agricultural Zones Sections, Schedule of Uses, Lot Coverage, Enacting Agriculture Planned District, Off Street Parking Loading and Access – PC
January 5, 2023NOTICE OF HEARING – Zoning Ordinance amendments/additions including but not limited to Agricultural Zones, Schedule of Use, Lot Coverage, Definitions, Off Street Parking Loading and Access and Agricultural Planned District – PC
January 3, 2023NOTICE OF HEARING – Zone Text Amendment Enacting Chapter 9 of Title 12 AND Hess Farms Subdivision – CC