Approved Ordinances

Ordinance No.Effective Date
2025-14 – Ordinance amending chapter 11-27, Planned Unit Development, of title 11, zoning regulations to clarify the review process for a PUD.03-18-25
2025-12 – Ordinance amending section 11-39-070 Deterioration by Neglect, of Chapter 11-39, Historic Buildings and sites, of title 11, zoning regulations, to amend the penalty standards to the standards set forth in Title 1.  General provision of the City Code02-18-25
2025-08 – Ordinance amending the Rice Farms PUD Overlay to Allow Internal Accessory Dwelling Units (IADUs) on lots less than 6,000 sq. ft. in area located within the PUD (Planned Unit Development).02-04-25
2025-07 – Ordinance amending the zoning map to show a change of zone for property located at approximately 675 South 1525 West from A (Agriculture) and AA (Heavy Agriculture) to AE (Agricultural Estates). 02-04-25
2025-06 – Ordinance amending requirements associated with Home Occupation Business Licenses01-21-25
2025-05 – Ordinance amending Section 11-32-070, Parking Development Standards and maintenance of chapter 11-32, Off Street Parking, Loading and Access, of Title 11, Zoning Regulations to establish design standards for parking structures.01-07-25
2024-62 – Ordinance enacting Chapter 7-12 of the Farmington Municipal Code related to Fire Alarms 12-17-24
2024-60 – An Ordinance amending various sections within Title 16 related to Storm Water permits and enforcement12-17-24
2024-59 – An Ordinance enacting Chapter 7-12 of the Farmington Municipal Code related to Fire Alarms12-17-24
2024-58 – An Ordinance establishing dates, time and place for holding regular Farmington City Council meetings in 202512-17-24
2024-55 – An Ordinance correcting the legal description for the vacation of a certain portion of the 300 North Street and 200 West Street Right-of-Way commonly known as Lagoon Lane.10-17-24
2024-52 – An Ordinance amending the zoning map to show a change of zone for property (TAX ID: 08-051-0180) located at 650 West Lagoon Drive to include the AP Overlay District10-15-24
2024-50 – Correction – An Ordinance of the Farmington City Council designating the Main Street National Historic District of Farmington City as an Historic Resource on the Farmington Historic Landmarks Register.
2024-50 – An Ordinance of the Farmington City Council designating the Main Street National Historic District of Farmington City as an Historic Resource on the Farmington Historic Landmarks Register.9-17-24
2024-49 – RDA, CRA 2 Boundary Adjustment. Reducing the boundary of the North Farmington Station #1 Community Reinvestment Project Area9-3-24
2024-48 – RDA, CRA 1 Boundary Adjustment. Reducing the boundary of the North Farmington Station #1 Community Reinvestment Project Area9-3-24
2024-47 – Ordinance Amending Section 6-4-030, Solicitors of the Farmington City Ordinance as it pertains to grounds for denial of a license.9-3-24
2024-46 – Ordinance Amending Section 11-35-060, Revocation of the Farmington City Zoning Ordinance to Modify who may revoke a Home Occupation Business License9-3-24
2024-45 – Ordinance vacating a certain portion of the 300 North Street and 200 West Street right-of-way commonly known as Lagoon Lane9-3-24
2024-43 – Additional text and amendments to multiple sections of Title 12, Subdivisions, to align the City’s ordinances with the State of Utah’s requirements for subdivision improvement warranties and to establish the Planning Commission as the land use authority for creating a DADU Parcel by metes and bounds.8-6-24
2024-41 – Ordinance amending Multiple Sections of the Zoning Ordinance related to Accessory Dwelling Units7-16-24
2024-40 – Ordinance amending Title 11-12, Subdivisions, updating the process by which subdivision plat amendments are considered7-16-24
2024-39 – An Ordinance amending Section 11-28-060 of the Zoning Ordinance related to fencing around private swimming pools 7-2-24
2024-37 – An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Farmington, Utah Enacting Compensation Increases for Specific City Officers.6-18-24
2024-34 – An Ordinance vacating a certain portion of the 1525 West Public Right of Way between Maker Way and Innovator Drive within Farmington City6-4-24
2024-33 – An Ordinance amending the Zoning Map to show a change of Zone for property located at 59 South 300 West from OTR to OTR (PUD)
2024-32 – An Ordinance of the Farmington City Council designating the Clark Lane National Historic District of Farmington City as an Historic Resource on the Farmington Historic Landmarks Register. Corrected Ordinance see Ordinance 2024-506-4-24
2024-31 – An Ordinance amending Section 11-39-050 Subparagraph 2,a., 3 and 4 of Chapter 39 (Historic Buildings and Sites) of the Zoning Ordinance related to Historic Resources on the Farmington City Historic Landmark Register.6-4-24
2024-27 – An Ordinance amending Chapter 11-41 Scenic Byway Overlay and Chapter 11-26, Light Manufacturing and Business, of the zoning ordinance related to allowed uses and signage.6-4-24
2024-26 – An Ordinance amending the Zoning map to show a change of zone for property (TAX ID 080600071 located at 471 North Innovator Drive from OS (open space) to A (Agricultural).5-21-24
2024-21 – An Ordinance amending Sections 11-27-060 and 11-27-070 of Chapter 27 (Planned Unit Development[s]) of the Zoning Ordinance related to the PUD Master Plan approval process02-09-24
2024-20 – An Ordinance amending Chapter 3-2 of the Farmington City Municipal Code related to Deputy Department Heads and a Deputy Finance Director02-09-24
2024-19 – An Ordinance enacting section 7-5-020 of the Farmington Municipal Code related to the installation of the Rapid Access Key Boxes at qualified structures02-09-24
2024-18 – An Ordinance enacting Section 180 of Chapter 20 of the zoning ordinance to provide an alternative approval process by development agreement at the discretion of the City in the NMU Zone02-09-24
2024-15 – An Ordinance amending the Zoning Map to show a change of Zone for property located at approximately 50 S 300 E from OTR to OTR (PUD)3-19-24
2024-12 – An Ordinance amending the Zoning Map to show a change of Zone for property located at 1926 W 950 North from A to LR3-19-24
2024-10 – An ordinance amending chapter 11-35, home occupation, of the zoning ordinance to clarify residency status requirements, correct discrepancies with state code related to fire arms, and to make larger group classes a permitted use2-20-24
2024-08 – Amending Section 3-3-040 of the Farmington City Code regarding the terms of members of the Historic Preservation Commission02-06-24
2024-07 – Amending Section 3-3-070 of the Farmington City Municipal Code and the By-Laws of the Farmington Youth City Council01-16-24
2024-06 – Amending multiple sections of Title 11, Zoning Regulations and Title 12, Subdivision regulations to modify the process by which subdivisions and boundary line adjustments are considered to allow flexibility in lot size.01-16-24
2024-05 – Adopting policy regarding opening invocations before meetings of the Farmington City Council01-16-24
2024-03 – Amending Zoning Ordinance Section 11-32-030 E and 11-32-060 A.1 Clarifying driveway material type and parking location standards01-02-24
2023-69 – Establishing Dates, Time and Place for City Council Meetings in 202412-05-23
2023-68 – Amending chapter 30 and section 11-2-020, foothill development standards and definitions of words and terms, of the Zoning Ordinance improving the organization, implementation and wording of existing standards and definitions, and making the text thereof consistent with underlying zones, state law and other sections.11-14-23
2023-67 – Amending multiple sections of Title 11, Planning and Zoning, to remove financial institutions as an allowed use in Farmington City11-14-23
2023-66 – Amending multiple sections of Title 11, and replacing Title 12 with an updated subdivision process and review requirements.11-14-23
2023-65 – Adopting Administrative Hearing procedures, removing references to the Board of Adjustment and making amendments related to Administrative Appeals11-14-23
2023-64 – Establishing a program for need-based assistance for city utility bills11-14-23
2023-63 – Adopting the City Procurement Policy and amending Chapter 3-6 of the Municipal Code11-14-23
2023-61 – Amendments regarding Historic Resources on the Farmington City Landmarks Register10-17-23
2023-58 – Updates to the provisions for obtaining a license to sell Fireworks09-19-23
2023-57 – Amending Section 6-1-027 Property Owners’ Association of Title 6: Business Regulations09-19-23
2023-56 – Amending multiple sections of Title 11. Applies to open storage and fencing provisions equally in residential areas09-19-23
2023-55 – Amendment creates an exception for side loaded garages09-19-23
2023-54 – Amending Section of Title 16, Stormwater Regulations. Clarifies when it is necessary to obtain a land disturbance permit09-19-23
2023-53 – Amending Title 13 of the Farmington Municipal Code related to Criminal Offenses and Fire Arm Restrictions09-05-23
2023-51 – Adopting Park Impact Fee Analysis and Park Impact fees on Development Activities09-05-23
2023-50 – Change the name of Commerce Drive between 350 East and Haight Creek to Arrowgate Drive09-05-23
2023-49 – Change the street name of 650 West between 100 North and 1300 South to Phoenix Way (650 West)09-05-23
2023-47 – Change of Zone for property located at 874 S Shirley Rae Drive from A to A (AP District) Ace Athletics08-01-23
2023-46 – Amending the Regulating Plan Map in the mixed use zone to reflect the New City Park08-01-23
2023-44 – Amending Section 11-17-050 of the Zoning Ordinance regarding accessory buildings and structures (including attached or detached garages)07-18-23
2023-43 – Amending the Municipal Code establishing a residency requirement for service on committees and commissions07-18-23
2023-42 – Amending multiple sections of the Zoning Ordinance regarding where an accessory building may be constructed.07-18-23
2023-40 – Changes an ADU from a conditional use to a permitted use in multiple zoning districts.06-20-23
2023-39 – Water efficient landscaping requirements.06-20-23
2023-38 – Police Impact Fee Analysis and Police Impact Fees on Development Activities.06-20-23
2023-35 – Fire Impact Fee Analysis and Fire Impact Fees on Development Activities.06-20-23
2023-31 – Employee Appeals.06-06-23
2023-30 – Utility Billing Practices.06-06-23
2023-27 – Polling locations and vote centers.05-16-23
2023-25 – Tentative Municipal Budget.05-02-23

To request copies of approved ordinances not appearing on this list, please contact DeAnn Carlile, City Recorder,, (801) 939-9206.